Endoscopy On Air Global
Annual Live streaming Event
Your international live stream meeting for GI Endoscopy across 5 continents and 30 cities.
Join us for a day full of teachings, lectures, round tables and live demonstrations, all in real time!
A CME (ECMEC®) accredited live learning event by the EACCME®
Endoscopy On Air is a global 12 hour GI endoscopy live streaming event, with top professionals across 12 time zone locations.
At Endoscopy On Air you will meet and interact with the world’s leading physicians and partners. You can view live or recorded free virtual endoscopy events from the comfort of your home, office, clinic or university.

Enhanced Experience
Join us for the latest innovations and advancements in endoscopy teaching!
Enjoy a full spectrum of lectures and live cases of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy presented by leading medical experts and international KOLs.
Download the Agenda in your preferred language:
Endo Talks
Watch the ENDO TALKS series! A meticulous selection of engaging interviews made by Endoscopy On Air, hosted by the eminent physicians Amrita Sethi and Thomas Rösch and featuring top-class medical experts of GI endoscopy.

CME Credits
The Endoscopy On Air Global Annual Event, Online, Switzerland, 04/06/2021-04/06/2021 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 8 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
The EACCME® awards ECMEC®s on the basis of 1 ECMEC® for one hour of CME with a maximum of 8 ECMEC®s per day.
The eligible medical specialists will be contacted for further details on claiming their CME credits.
International Scientific Faculty – Speakers
Get a 360-degree perspective from world-class physicians on all latest novelties, techniques and knowledge sharing.
Event Agenda
Welcome address by the Scientific Directors – Alessandro Repici and Thomas Rösch
Event closure by the Scientific Directors – Alessandro Repici and Thomas Rösch
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- Be able to register and attend all live events
- View upcoming events
- Get access to private partner resources
Please click on the company’s logos for devices shown on June 4th
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Access information and demos of the latest latest innovations in the biomedical industry. View live sessions
from leading experts and international KOLs.