Prof. Messmann was born on July 13, 1962, in Burglengenfeld (Upper Palatinate). He is the Head of the Department of Internal Medicine at Augsburg Medical Centre in Germany. His focus is on gastrointestinal oncology, intensive care medicine, and interventional endoscopy.
Professor Messmann is one of Europe’s leading experts in ESD. An early adopter of the technique, he has been practicing it since 2003 and now leads the largest center using the technique in Europe. Professor Messmann was also involved in developing the European Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Guidelines for ESD.
He is the co-author of the German Guidelines for Esophageal (S3) and Gastric (S3) cancer and also the editor of “Gastroenterologische Onkologie”, Thieme Verlag ed. Messmann, Tannapfel, Werner, 2017.