The Changing Patient Pathway Associated with Biodegradable Implants
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 | 🕐 14:00-16:00 CET | 🌐 VIRTUAL
The Course is complimentary and will be held in the English language.
Event Details
The use of novel biodegradable implants in Endoscopy, Interventional Radiology, and Surgical applications related to modified anatomy procedures and transplants have gained momentum in the last 2 years as they have proven to be safe, reduce complications, and the need for the 2nd removal procedures required for plastic and metal stents used in the hepatopancreatobiliary area. As an example, ASGE reports that the current plastic stents have complication rates as high as 30% and require a second procedure for removal or confirmatory Xray to document the absence of a previously placed device, in the case of prophylaxis for Post-ERCP Pancreatitis placements.
Due to the higher cost of care associated with the treatment of complications and the necessity to burden the patients by requiring a second removal procedure, increasing costs for the patient, hospitals, and healthcare providers, it is essential to dedicate efforts to understanding how to best utilize the latest biodegradable innovations in the field of GI endoscopy to potentially reduce the total cost of care – A Clinical Based Rational for Reengineering the Patient Pathway for the Treatment of Hepatopancreatobiliary Diseases with Novel Biodegradable Implants.
We will be discussing how streamlining the patient experience through the reengineering of the traditional pathway to improve QoL and reduce costs through improved outcomes and the elimination of removal procedures associated with the current standard of care. The program has been structured to raise awareness of the use of biodegradable implants and how they can reduce patient, provider, and environmental burden through the elimination of unnecessary removal procedures and reduction in complications. The use of biodegradable implants may improve outcomes and reduce cost versus the current standard of care through the elimination of removal procedures associated with current plastic and metal implants.
The program will look at how the current patient pathway using the traditional plastic and metal stents may be modified through the use of the ARCHIMEDES & Unity Biodegradable Hepatopancreatobiliary Implants and how this may impact Quality of Life. A high-level overview comparing the current patient pathway to that of the new ARCHIMEDES & Unity Biodegradable Hepatopancreatobiliary Implants is planned. The discussion will focus on how biodegradable implants can be used to expand treatment opportunities where plastic or metal technologies use is not possible or is unsuitable, especially in procedures where repeated endoscopy comes with a burden of higher adverse events or a high risk of potential failure when performed in surgically altered anatomy.
Hospital: Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (UZB) / Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Event organizer: Prof. Rastislav KUNDA, M.D., F.A.S.G.E., F.J.G.E.S.
Event Supporters: Q3 Medical & Endoscopy on Air
Scientific Director
Live Case
Live Case
Live Case
Final round table discussion Future of Biodegradables: Clinical and Economic Impact
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