Advancements in Endoscopic Ultrasound:
From Diagnosis to Treatment
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 | 🕐 16:00-18:30 CET | 🌐 VIRTUAL
The Course is complimentary and will be held in the English language.
Event Details
Join us for a State-of-the-Art session on Endoscopic Ultrasound! In this session, we’ll not only showcase the advanced imaging tools available to support the diagnosis of pancreatic disorders, but also dive into the use of EUS and ERCP in managing biliary and pancreatic diseases.
This event features three live cases that will shed light on ultrasound procedures, with a focus on both diagnostic and interventional EUS, offering valuable insights and real-world applications.
Don't miss this opportunity to expand your expertise in the latest advancements in endoscopic ultrasound!
Course Directors
Lecture: Armamentarium of advanced imaging tools to support the diagnosis of pancreatic disorders
Live Case - Diagnostic EUS
Lecture: Expanding the use of EUS: Safety and feasibility of Endohepatology
Live Case: Performance of a percutaneous Ultrasound procedure + How to perform EUS-guided liver biopsy
Lecture: EUS and ERCP in the management of biliary and pancreatic diseases: Complementary or Competitive?
Live Case - Interventional EUS
Panel discussion
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- Once your account is verified and you are logged in, you will be automatically taken to your account dashboard. Please click on the "Register" button where this meeting is displayed in the DASHBOARD section of your account and enjoy watching the live stream on the event day.
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