Acute Cholecystitis: Optimising Treatment Pathways
Tuesday, November 28, 2023 | 🕐 18:00-20:00 CET | 🌐 VIRTUAL
The Course is complimentary and will be held in the English language.
This event is part of Hot Axios in Focus: Expanding Horizons in HPB, a series dedicated to premium education on advanced EUS and optimal management of patients with complex hepatobiliary-pancreatic diseases
Event Details
Join us for an exclusive virtual event designed with physicians at its core, eager to explore the frontier of Lumen Apposing Metal Stents (LAMS) for gallbladder drainage. It is an opportunity not just to delve into the pioneering applications of Lumen Apposing Metal Stents (LAMS) but also to underscore the paramount significance of a multidisciplinary strategy in patient care.
Our esteemed ensemble of experts, renowned in the field, will serve as your compass, navigating you through the intricate role of endoscopy in addressing acute cholecystitis. Their presentations will come to life with compelling real-world case studies, fostering interactive dialogues that enrich your understanding. Discover how a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach can be a game-changer in optimizing patient outcomes. Furthermore, we will unravel the latest advancements in clinical research, shedding light on the contemporary best practices and emerging trends in this domain.
Our virtual gathering will equip you with the knowledge and insights to stay at the forefront of medical advancements, ensuring that you are well-prepared to make a difference in the world of patient care.
Course Directors
Definition, epidemiology, and clinical presentation of acute cholecystitis
Therapeutic options: surgery vs endoscopy vs radiology
Endoscopic drainage of gallbladder: Where, when, how
Videos with challenging cases of gallbladder drainage
Beyond EUS-guided treatment of acute cholecystitis
Challenging situations and what to do when things go wrong
Summary of available studies and future directions
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- Click on the “Register Now – Free” button on this page.
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- Once logged in, you will be automatically taken to your account dashboard. Please click on the “Register” button where this meeting is displayed in the DASHBOARD section of your account and enjoy watching the live stream on the event day.
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- Click on the “Register Now – Free” button on this page.
- Click on the “Sign up” button in the pop-up that will appear.
- Complete the Sign-up form and verify your free account, through an email sent to you by Endoscopy On Air (check your Inbox and Spam/junk mail).
- Once your account is verified and you are logged in, you will be automatically taken to your account dashboard. Please click on the “Register” button where this meeting is displayed in the DASHBOARD section of your account and enjoy watching the live stream on the event day.
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