Livia Archibugi is a gastroenterologist working at IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, with expertise in biliopancreatic endoscopy (ERCP and EUS) and pancreatic diseases. She is assistant professor for the Master in ERCP and EUS, has been trainee editor for UEG Journal, and is currently part of the ESGE Education committee and UEG Quality of Care Committee, where she leads the project on Pancreatic Cancer Quality Indicators. She has a PhD in molecular sciences and is also a post-doc working on translational research for pancreatic cancer and pancreatic cancer screening protocols. She is currently a member of the ASGE’s 2023 Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) class for early career women in gastroenterology and has won several awards for her scientific career, such as the 2021 L’Oréal-Unesco “For Women in Science” scholarship with the project “Investigation of Transcriptome Analysis of Pancreatic Cancer through EUS-guided tissue acquisition as a tool to predict response to treatment”. She is author of more than 80 peer-reviewed papers, author of 3 chapters of books and has a H Index of 19. Among her other interests, she is passionate about scientific progress, music and singing, astronomy, artificial intelligence and krav maga.