endoscopy4u Forum – Problem Solving Colonoscopy

🗓 October 5, 2022 | 🕐 16:00 CET | 🌐 Virtual | 🇩🇪 German

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What to Expect

Join us for a forum discussion on “Problem Solving Colonoscopy” in this 2-hour live discussion at the Endoscopy 4u FORUM event.

Note! This event series is for German-speaking audiences, the event will not be translated live to any other language.


Scientific Faculty

Alessandro Repici

Presidente del Dipartimento di Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia presso Humanitas Research Hospital di Milano. Professore di Gastroenterologia presso Humanitas Medical School Milano Editore Associato di Endoscopia Gastrointestinale. Consigliere della Società Italiana di Gastroenterologia

Alanna Ebigbo

Training and Work experience Since January, 2018 – Head of the endoscopy department at the University Hospital, AugsburgSince September, 2010 – Senior Physician III. Medical clinic at the University Hospital, AugsburgNovember, 2004 to September, 2010 – Further training to…

Siegbert Faiss

Chief physician at the clinic for internal medicine with a focus on gastroenterology at the Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg in Berlin, board member for education, training, and further education of the German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS)….

Barbara Tribl

Prof. Dr. Barbara Tribl Associate University Professor and Head of Endoscopy at the University Department of Internal Medicine III, Clinical Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in Vienna.

Philip Dautel

After studying medicine in Hamburg, Philip Dautel worked as an assistant physician at the Asklepios Klinik Barmbek under Prof. Faiss. Early on, he became enthusiastic about the technical aspects of gastroenterology, i.e. endoscopy. After a research stay with Prof….

Stephan Hollerbach

Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Hollerbach Chief Physician of the Clinic for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy at AKH Celle and Adjunct Professor of Internal Medicine at Ruhr University Bochum is known as a specialist in diagnostic and interventional endoscopy and endosonography…

Martina Fellinghauer

Ms. Martina Fellinghauer has been working in the Endoscopy Department at Vienna General Hospital as a qualified nurse since 2013. Since April 2022 she represents the ward manager nursing of your department. She is an active board member of…


endoscopy4u Forum – Problem Solving Colonoscopy


D. Wichmann, J. Pohl

Difficult Polyps

S. Faiss, Berlin

Special Topic I: Recurrences after Polypectomy

A. Ebigbo, Augsburg


S. Hollerbach, Celle, P. Dautel, Hamburg

Special Topic II: Organization is Everything in Colonoscopy

Barbara Tribl and Martina Fellinghauer, Wien

Special guest lecture: Less is more? Evidence in colon cleansing (In English)

A. Repici, Milano
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The endoscopy4u series is a joint production of four German live centers.
We bring you two categories of live cases and interactive discussions:

Note! This event series is for German-speaking audiences, the event will not be translated live to any other language.

endoscopy4u Focus – Focusing the spotlight on one topic: Barrett diagnostics on May 3rd, Cold Snare Resection on June 21st, Basic ERCP on September 20th, IBD Mucosa Healing on October 25th. and Endosono Puncture on November 28th. We will discuss in detail each respective topic with all the essentials on this one topic condensed into 60 minutes.

endoscopy4u Forum – Reviewing a wide range of topics: After a state-of-the-art lecture, we will show you two live cases flanked by two overview lectures. Our dates 2022: September 28th, October 5th, November 16th, and December 7th.

How to register for the event


If you have already created an account on endoscopyonair.com:

  1. Click on the “Register Now – Free” in questa pagina. Poi, clicca su "Voglio registrarmi a questo evento" sul pop up.
  2. Click on the “Log in” nel pop up che apparirà.
  3. Una volta effettuato l'accesso, sarai automaticamente portato alla dashboard del tuo account. Clicca sul pulsante “Register” dove appare questo evento, nella sezione DASHBOARD del tuo account. Divertiti a guardare la diretta il giorno dell'evento!


If you have not already created an account on endoscopyonair.com:

  1. Click on the “Register Now – Free” in questa pagina. Poi, clicca su "Voglio registrarmi a questo evento" sul pop up.
  2. Click on the “Signup” nel pop up che apparirà.
  3. Complete the Signup form and verify your free account, through an email sent to you by Endoscopy On Air (check your Inbox and Spam/junk mail).
  4. Once your account is verified and you are logged in, you will be automatically taken to your account dashboard. Please click on the “Register” button in the “Endoscopy 4u Barrett-Diagnostik” event where in the DASHBOARD del tuo account. Divertiti a guardare la diretta il giorno dell'evento!


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  1. Enter your email address HERE.
  2. Check your Inbox (and Junk mail) for a reset password email.
  3. Follow the steps in the reset password email to create a new password and use it to sign in HERE.


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