Roanoke Interventional Surgical Endoscopy

🗓 May 23-24, 2024, from 7:15am EST | 🌐  ONLINE | 🇬🇧 ENGLISH

The event is complimentary and will be held in English

Event Description

Join Carilion Clinic’s Department of Gastroenterology for the inaugural EUS Course & Workshop, an exceptional event dedicated to the latest advancements in interventional pancreatico-biliary procedures. Taking place in Roanoke, Virginia, this conference offers a comprehensive program featuring case demonstrations, lectures, and interactive sessions.

Renowned experts will showcase intricate interventional endoscopic procedures, including Hepatico-Gastrostomy, Cholecysto-Duodenostmy, Choledocho-Duodenostomy, EUS-Guided Enteral Anastomosis, Pseudocyst Management, and techniques of Endo-Hepatology.

Key objectives and highlights of the event include:

  • Presenting cutting-edge procedures in pancreatic biliary endoscopy.
  • Engaging with esteemed international and national faculty members.
  • Facilitating one-on-one interactions with distinguished experts.
  • Providing invaluable tips and techniques for achieving successful procedural outcomes.

The hands-on workshop will take place on May 24th. To check the agenda and register to the onsite workshop, click here.

Endorsed by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and the Virginia Gastroenterological Society.

Course Directors

Organizing Faculty

International Course Faculty

National Course Faculty

Diamond Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors


Day 1
RISE 2024 | DAY 1 | May 23rd
7:00-7:15 AM


7:15-7:30 AM


Rawle “Tony” Seupaul
7:30-7:40 AM

Course Inauguration & Objectives

Vivek Kesar
7:40-8:10 AM

Journey of Interventional EUS: The past, present, and future

Manuel Pérez-Miranda
8:30-9:15 AM

Procedure #1

Procedure #1: EUS guided Choledocho-Duodenostomy
Todd Baron
Lecture #1: SEMS or LAMS for Choledocho-Duodenostomy
Lionel D’Souza
9:15-10:05 AM

Procedure #2

Procedure #2: EUS guided Cholecysto-Duodenostomy
Vivek Kesar
Lecture #2: EUS Gall-bladder drainage: Patient selection, technical analysis and optimal follow-up
Jennifer L Maranki
10:05-11:00 AM

Procedure #3

Procedure #3: EUS guided Hepatico-Gastrostomy
Takeshi Ogura
Lecture #3: Hepatico gastrostomy: In-depth technical review to maximize success
Harry Aslanian
11:00-11:55 AM

Procedure #4

Procedure #4: EUS guided Pancreatico-Gastrostomy or Biliary Rendezvous
Hiroyuki Isayama
Lecture #4: Tools of the trade: Biliary and Pancreatic Rendezvous
Juan Carlos Bucobo

Lunch Break

12:30-1:25 PM

Procedure #5

Procedure #5: EUS guided Gastro-Jejunostomy
Rastislav Kunda
Lecture #5: Is Gastro-Jejunostomy the current standard of care for malignant GOO?
Shyam Thakkar
1:25-2:20 PM

Procedure #6

Procedure #6: EDGE Procedure
Shivangi Kothari
Lecture #6: EDGE procedure: Evidence base summary to prevent adverse outcomes!
Vanessa Shami
2:20-3:15 PM

Procedure #7

Procedure #7: EUS PPG and Liver Biopsy – Review pathology
Jason Samarasena
Lecture #7: Role of EUS in diagnosis and management of MAFLD
Arun Sanyal
3:15-4:20 PM

Procedure #8

Procedure #8: EUS Gastric Variceal Coiling
Amol Bapaye
Lecture #8: EUS Variceal Obliteration – Steps for success
David Diehl
4:20-5:15 PM

Procedure #9

Procedure #9: EUS guided pancreatic fluid drainage
Paul Yeaton
Lecture #9: Pancreatic fluid collections: Optimal management strategy
Klaus Mönkemüller
Day 2
RISE 2024 | DAY 2 | May 24th
7:30-8:10 AM

Grand Rounds: Endoscopy in management of acute and chronic cholecystitis: A Surgeon’s Perspective

Rastislav Kunda
8:10-8:25 AM

Pseudocyst Decompression: Plastic vs Metal Stent

Ali Siddiqui, Andrew Wang
8:25-8:40 AM

Cholecysto-Duodenostomy vs Cholecysto-gastrostomy

Rodrigo Solo-Solis, Varun Kesar
8:45-9:05 AM

EndoHepatology: Here, now and what’s next?

Jason Samarasena
9:10-9:20 AM

Closing Comments

Patrick Okolo
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