Early Barrett Neoplasia
How to Treat? How to Train?
🗓 June 29, 2022 | 🕐 17:30-19:00 CET | 🌐 Hybrid
Prepare to Further Your Understanding of Barretts Disease at Early Barrett Neoplasia
The Course is complimentary and it will be held in the English language
The Event video on-demand is coming soon!
Why join us?
Prepare to develop your understanding of Barrett’s Neoplasia and discover how technology is altering the ways in which we manage this complex condition.
Barrett esophagus is probably the most relevant upper GI disorder in the Western world.
This symposium will highlight some of the hottest new developments in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in this area. There are new classification systems in order to make the endoscopic terminology universal and to help us to compare the results of diagnostic tests and therapeutic measures.
Among the treatment options, cryotherapy is the new kid on the block, and differential indications are just being developed.
And finally, training in endoscopists has been realized as being vital to improve their diagnostic and treatment abilities on a broad scale in order to finally improve patient outcomes.
Learn about all these facts from a renowned group of international Barrett experts, moderated by Amrita Sethi and Horst Neuhaus

Event Agenda
London follows Prague – a new Barrett classification
Ablation: cold follows hot?
BEST Academia for Diagnosis
FORWARD training for resection
Discussion and conclusion
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