Fabian Emura

Title: MD
Position: Associate Professor of Medicine
Organization: Universidad de La Sabana, Bogotá
Country: Colombia

Fabian Emura is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine at Universidad de La Sabana, Bogotá D.C., Colombia. After graduating from Universidad del Valle, he completed a general surgery fellowship at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Later in Japan, he completed a doctoral program in GI tumor biology at the University of Tsukuba and a 3-year fellowship in interventional GI endoscopy and GI surgery at the National Cancer Center Hospital in Tokyo.

In 2006 Dr. Emura founded the EmuraCenter LatinAmerica, an international reference facility where training in advanced endoscopic techniques has been provided to more than 240 gastroenterologists from the Americas. He later developed the core curriculum program of Gastroenterology at Universidad de La Sabana, and became the head of the division.

Throughout his career, Dr. Emura has been actively involved in clinical investigation related to GI tumors, particularly endoscopic early diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and image enhanced endoscopy. He has pioneered global implementation and teaching of systematic upper GI photodocumentation, polyp classification, ESD, and since 2006 has introduced and funded an annual gastric cancer screening program in Colombia through the Emura Foundation for Cancer Research benefiting more than 1900 low socio-economical class patients.

Dr. Emura was the recipient of the Monbusho scholarship  given by the Ministry of Education, culture, science, and technology of Japan for advanced clinical training 1999-2003, and received the top reviewer award of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in 2012 and 2015. Locally, he served as President at the Colombian Society of Endoscopy (2014-2016). Internationally, he served as member of the international committee of the ASGE (2011-2018), he also served as President of the InterAmerican Society of Endoscopy  (2014-2016), and lastly, he served as chair of the scientific committee of the 2nd World Congress of Endoscopy, ENDO 2020 for the World Endoscopy Organization (WEO). Currently, Dr. Emura serves the WEO as President 2020-2022.

He is a reviewer for most of the major endoscopy journals, and has authored or co-authored more than 70 original articles, books, book chapters and reviews covering a wide range of digestive disease topics. Dr. Emura is an internationally recognized clinician and educator, and a popular speaker in the area of endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer.