Alessandro Repici

Title: MD, Professor
Position: Chairman of Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Organization: Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan
Country: Italy

Alessandro Repici is Director of Digestive Endoscopy Dept at Humanitas Research Hospital, one of the largest private facilities of the country (since 2005). Since 2007 he is also Director of endoscopy program for all the hospitals belonging to the Humanitas Group in Italy and since 2015 he is full professor of Gastroenterology at Humanitas University School of Medicine, in Milano. In 2004 was appointed in the governing board of the Italian Society of Digestive Endoscopy as director of the website and chairman of research committee. He has been appointed as one of the Associate Editors of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in 2015 and already serves in the Editorial Board of Digestive and Liver Disease Since 2019 he works also as consultant for advanced therapeutic endoscopy for the largest private practice facility in Lugano, Switzerland. Furthermore, he serves in the board of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology since 2018.

Alessandro Repici was born in Messina, Sicily in 1966 and grew up in Sicily where he attended the Medical School and graduated in 1990. He continued his training at University of Torino, Molinette Hospital followed by six months fellowship in Paris with of professor Claude Liguory. In 1996 he spent 3 months at Altona Hospital in Hamburg under the guidance of prof Hagenmuller and 3 months as visitor at Eppendorf University Hospital with professor Soehendra In 1998 he completed six more months research fellowship on new technologies for endoscopic delivery of nano-particles for palliation of esophageal tumors at Wellesley Hospital in Toronto working under the mentorship of Norman Marcon. Returned to Italy he was hired at Dept of Gastroenterology of Molinette Hospital in Torino.

Clinical activity of Dr. Repici includes consultation for patients with types of digestive diseases and a high volume of complex endoscopic procedures including ERCP (5000 procedures in the last 10 years), stenting (more than 400 patients treated with stents at different level of the gastrointestinal tract) removal of large superficial neoplastic lesions like intestinal polyps, early gastric cancer, dysplastic lesions on Barrett’s oesophagus), radio-frequency ablation of Barrett’s oesophagus, treatment of Zenker oesophagus (more than 250 patients treated in the last years) as well as POEM for patients with achalasia and motility disorders of the oesophagus.

Since 2010 he has been the organiser of the renown IMAGE events and since 2020 Prof. Repici is founder and chairman of Endoscopy On Air altogether with Prof.Thomas Rösch.
