From Screening to Treatment

Technological Innovation in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Colonoscopy

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 | 🕐 16:00-18:15 CET | 🌐 VIRTUAL

The Course is complimentary and will be held in the English language.

Event Details

Join us for a State of the Art session on colonoscopy where we will not only show the role of AI in endoscopy but also innovative techniques for the support of measuring polyps and how ESD can be made more accessible with a novel traction device.

During this event experts from different countries will take you through some unique techniques including virtual measurement of polyps and how this can influence therapeutic decisions on different levels as well as a new approach to ESD resection.

With the novel traction device, TRACMOTION, we are reinventing traction assisted ESD. Adding dynamic, intuitive and flexible traction during the procedure, TRACMOTION will change the way of performing ESD.

Course Directors



From Screening to Treatment | Tuesday, November 21, 2023 | 🕐 16:00-18:15 CET | 🌐 VIRTUAL


Prof. Alessandro Repici (Humanitas Research Hospital, Italy)

LECTURE: Combining CADEYE and G-EYE to Maximize Polyp Detection

Moderated by David Tate (Belgium), Christian Gerges (Germany)
Dr. Emanuele Rondonotti (Valduce Hospital, Italy)

LECTURE: Endoscopist, pathologist or autonomous AI – Who should make the final call on polyp size, and diminutive polyp pathology?

Moderated by David Tate (Belgium), Christian Gerges (Germany)
Prof. Daniel von Renteln (University of Montreal Medical Center, Canada)

LIVE CASE: CAD EYE & SCALE EYE, Cold Snare Resection

Moderated by David Tate (Belgium), Christian Gerges (Germany)
Prof. Michal F. Kaminski (Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center, Poland)

OPEN DISCUSSION: The role of AI and Measurement Support in Endoscopy

Moderated by David Tate (Belgium), Christian Gerges (Germany)

LIVE CASE: TRACMOTION & dual channel endoscope

Moderated by David Tate (Belgium), Christian Gerges (Germany)
Dr. Amyn Haji (Kings College Hospital, London)

LECTURE: The Role of Traction in ESD

Moderated by David Tate (Belgium), Christian Gerges (Germany)
Dr. Roberta Maselli (Humanitas Research Hospital, Italy)


Moderated by David Tate (Belgium), Christian Gerges (Germany)


Alessandro Repici (Italy), David Tate (Belgium), Christian Gerges (Germany)
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  4. Once your account is verified and you are logged in, you will be automatically taken to your account dashboard. Please click on the “Register” button where this meeting is displayed in the DASHBOARD section of your account and enjoy watching the live stream on the event day.


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  1. Enter your email address HERE.
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